We are local technical advisor with international quality standards

R2Energy Advisory is a consulting platform within R2Energy group.

We specialize in all aspects of technical advisory concerning RES projects. We can also assist you in sale or purchase of RES projects and their financing.

Many years of practical experience gained during the development of our own RES projects and excellent knowledge of the local specificity allow us to provide services of the highest quality at a reasonable price.

R2Energy Advisory was established in response to market demand – as a local alternative to large, international consulting companies that do not always keep up with the rapidly growing RES market in Poland and CEE.

Let us advice you!

dr Rafał Rzeszotarski

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Transactions value

Solar PV

PV panels convert solar radiation into electricity. The electricity generated in this way is then used to power households or factories, or it can be used to produce the so-called green hydrogen.

On-shore wind

Wind turbines convert wind power into electricity, which is then used to power households or factories. Wind power plants can also power electrolysers, which produce the so-called green hydrogen.

Energy storage

Energy storage systems enable to store electricity in order to, e.g. balance the production from RES: they are charged when the generation from RES exceeds consumption, and discharged when consumption exceeds generation.

Green hydrogen

This concept covers production of hydrogen using electricity produced from RES. In the process of electrolysis of water (H2O), oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2) are produced. Hydrogen can then be used as fuel for cars or in industrial processes.


The agricultural biogas plant will produce electricity, heat and biomethane - biogas upgraded to the parameters of natural gas, which is in common use.
Report your
land for lease

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Send us a message and I will reply within 48 hours

Roksana Lubas-Soczyńska Office Manager