Wróblewo Solar Park

Location: municipality of Kostrzyn, Wielkopolskie Voivodeship
Area: app. 22 ha
Installed capacity: app. 19.5 MW

Wróblewo Solar Park was one of the first projects being developed by our company. We started work on the project in mid-2020, and the project reached ready-to-build (RtB) status at the end of 2022.

The project is divided into two phases: Wróblewo A and Wróblewo B. The project is located near Kostrzyn, close to the CLIP Poznań Logistics and Investment Centre and Volkswagen Poznań. The point of connection to the grid is the MV switchgear in GPZ Swarzędz.

Once constructed, the project will power almost 5000 households.


Most important data:

Location: municipality of Kostrzyn, Greater Poland voivodeship

Installed capacity: app. 19.5 MW

Production in first year: app. 21.5 GWh

Area: app. 22 ha

DSO: Enea Operator

Status: RtB

Planned commissioning: end of 2025

Interested in cooperation?

We will get in touch within 48 hours

Roksana Lubas-Soczyńska Office Manager